‚Coffee and Cigarettes‘ (brandied hazelnut, coffee liqueur and oak wood smoke)

Drink composed for presentation in the art space ‘Significant Other’

the less you know the better aka Jessica Blank & Gerald Zahn compose edgy drinks and wicked appetizers. Unexpected combinations of spicy and aromatic tastes reveal their fascination with the moment of surprise. Individual drinks for special places and events.



e-mail: more@the-less-you-know-the-better.tk
more projects by the less you know the better

‚Hardcore‘ (a classical ‚Sex on the Beach‘ in solid state)

Drink composed for exhibition opening in the art space ‘GOMO’

‚Oracle Drink‘ for the opening of DEEP HORIZON – Kunsthalle Karlsplatz Wien

‚Salty Mascara‘ (a black mezcal margarita) for the opening of ‚Your delicious dreaming‘ – Salon Goldschlag.